Why You Should Bump Test Your Portable Gas Detector Regularly

November 1, 2018


In any industrial application, bump testing your portable gas detectors is a crucial safety measure. The most obvious reason you need to bump test your portable multi-gas detector is that if it’s malfunctioning, you and everyone in the immediate vicinity are in serious risk. If that’s not enough, here’s a concise explanation of bump testing and why you should perform it before every use.

What a Bump Test Is
A bump test ensures that the gas sensor and alarms on a portable gas detector are functioning properly. The gas the detector should detect is exposed to the device at a level that would set the detector off. If the detector goes off, it shows the detector is properly calibrated to detect the baseline concentration of hazardous gas emission. If it doesn’t go off, it’s an indicator that something is wrong with the detector and it needs maintenance, repair, or replacement.

A Simple Comparison
A bump test is like checking a light with a wall switch. If you turn it on and the light goes on, you know at least at that basic level, all is well. If you flick the switch and nothing happens, you know there’s a problem. That issue could be a blown light, faulty wiring, bad switch, or a damaged socket. The test does not tell you what is wrong, just that something is.

The same is true of a bump test. It won’t tell you why your detector is not working correctly, just whether it is or not. It also won’t tell you the proper calibration for your detector, just that it’s functioning as it should or if it’s not.

Why It’s Important
As mentioned, the apparent reason is that if your gas detector is there to help keep you safe and is not working as it should, you will not know if you get into a situation that is not safe. Your gas detector is the first line of defense against dangerous gases. Without it or if it’s malfunctioning, your safety is in jeopardy.

Another reason is that while gas detectors are durable machines, they also can be quirky. They get dropped, heated, exposed to dust or dirt, humidity, and mud on a regular basis. When this happens, their calibration can become distorted and cause them not to function properly. If a filter gets damaged or clogged, they might not even detect gases effectively.

A portable gas detector is your workers’ lifeline in the right circumstance. If it malfunctions, they can be hurt or even killed. So, bump testing before each use is the only way to ensure your employees and facility remain safe and protected.