Harmful gases are released into the environment on a regular basis; if the application doesn’t have a gas detection system in place, your team could be inhaling harmful vapors without knowing it.
Gas detection systems are widely popular due to their life-saving abilities. Toxic gases can possess many properties. Some are invisible to the human eye, while others can be odorless, not letting the worker know they are in the presence of dangerous conditions and harmful gas.
Industrialization has increased the risk of gases and vapors in industrial environments. Many processes and applications require the use of toxic chemicals, as well as special storage practices to decrease the likelihood of leakage.
With various gases floating through the air, gas detectors use different methods to sense traces of those vapors. Methods differ via the sensor used within the device. An infrared sensor utilizes various transmitters and receivers to detect gas. Typically, the transmitter acts as a light source and the receiver as a light detector. If gas is detected, it will affect the light flowing between the transmitter and the receiver, sounding an alarm and notifying the user of dangerous conditions.
Catalytic bead sensors are more commonly used to detect combustible gases. This detection system involved a platinum wire coil heating up when the dangerous vapor is sensed, sounding and letting the user know a toxic gas is present. Electrochemical sensors are another series of detectors used to pick up gases. Using electrode signals, different currents are released depending on the gases detected. All sensors can typically have any of the sensors installed in a fixed system. Portable detection units are also available, allowing you to detect gases anywhere you go.
DOD Technologies values the safety of all personnel and work environments by offering a variety of portable and fixed gas detection systems for your needs. Do you have a question regarding gas detection systems within your application? With more than 150 years of combined instrumentation and application knowledge, DOD Technologies is prepared to offer its expertise and solutions for your toughest requirements while keeping you, your employees, and your equipment safe.
Contact us today via phone at (815) 788-5200 or through our web form.